Nine riflemen from the Queen's Own Rifles, three of them University of Toronto
student volunteers hastily called out
from their final exams on the day before, were killed in the battle before the
Canadian forces were forced to fall back by the more experienced and better
armed Fenian insurgents. Twenty-two more
Canadians would die of either wounds or disease sustained during the fighting or
on frontier duty during the Fenian Raids that would also extend into Quebec in
the following week.
Beginning with the first casualty, Ensign Malcolm McEachern killed in the
early minutes of the battle on June 2, these thirty-one casualties were the
first 31 of nearly 120,000 Canadian servicemen to fall in military service from the South
African War to Afghanistan.
In May 1890 after nearly
two and a half decades of silence, a short paragraph in the
Globe, “Ridgeway Remembered,” reported that the
Veterans of ’66 Association had “taken the
matter in hand” and would meet
in protest
on the
twenty-fourth anniversary of the battle to lay flowers
and wreaths
at the
Canadian Volunteers Monument
near Queen’s Park.[1]
Globe described the
under the headline “Our Decoration Day” and
promised that from now on the day
would be commemorated annually in the same
way that Americans memorialize their war dead.[2]
The next year in
Hamilton, it was reported that the Ridgeway veterans of the Thirteenth Battalion
had come together for a reunion for the first time in twenty-five years.[3]
The national memorialization of Ridgeway had begun and would now unfold from
about 1890 to1925, resulting in a thirty-five year renaissance of
acknowledgments, awards, speeches, ceremonies, reminiscences, and published
accounts, some sponsored by regional historical societies.
On June 2, 1891 in Toronto, the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the battle, thirty thousand people gathered at the
Volunteers Monument. Spectators
climbed up on the scaffolding of the newly constructed Parliament Buildings onto
lumber piled up at the site and into the trees of the park. Schoolchildren covered the monument in
wreaths and leafy plants,
some bearing the names of those killed at Ridgeway.
Not a practice followed in Britain at the time, this was a
gesture adopted from the United States where, after the Civil War, flowers were
laid on military graves in May on national Memorial Day, or Decoration Day, as
it was also known.
Toronto’s militia
regiments, along with 450 boys from the public school drill corps carrying
muskets and accompanied by 30 Toronto Police constables, escorted several
hundred Veterans of ’66 from the drill shed at Simcoe Street along a route
packed with fifty thousand spectators.[4]
“decoration” of the monument by Toronto’s schoolchildren became an annual
ritual. It was the beginning of
first remembrance day.[5]
Until 1931, Decoration Day
was Canada’s
popular national
memorial day, held in late May or early June and in some places as late
as August.[8]
It is still commemorated today in some of the Ontario rural communities that
witnessed the Fenian Raids or saw their sons die or be broken in them. In 2010
the town of Dunnville held its 113th annual Decoration Day on June 6,[9]
while Caledonia held its own on May 30.[10]
By 1895 the Veterans of ’66 Association had organized a national petition for the recognition of all the volunteers who served during the Fenian Raids.[11] In January 1899, in response to the petition, Britain authorized a Canadian General Service Medal for veterans of the 1866 and 1870 Fenian Raids and the 1870 Red River Rebellion. Anybody who was on active service in the field, had served as a guard at any point when an attack from the enemy was expected, or had been detailed for some specific service or duty was eligible for the medal upon applying for it—it was not issued automatically. There were 15,300 of these medals issued to Canadians with their individual names and units engraved on the rim. (Another 1,368 were claimed by British veterans.)[12] The medal was issued by Britain just in time for the call on Canada to help in the upcoming South African War. The Canadian federal government acquiesced to the British medal but added nothing of its own for the veterans of Ridgeway as it did in the case of the Red River Expedition and Northwest Rebellion, whose veterans were granted 160 acres of Crown land, whereas those who fought in South Africa would get 320 acres.[13] In the end, in 1901 the province of Ontario undertook to grant its Fenian Raid veterans 160 acres of provincial land if they applied for it.[14]
In the early 1900s, mention of “Decoration Day” began to fade from the newspapers. By 1903 the commemoration coverage in the Globe was reduced once again to a small paragraph, and by 1907 the event had been moved to the privacy of the cemeteries where the fallen were buried. It was no longer the public event it had been in the 1890s and gradually became disconnected from June 2 and moved closer to Victoria Day in May. After years of peace following the South African War, the Great War of 1914 to 1918 sadly revived Decoration Day as Canada’s national memorial day.
On June 1, 1930, eight
surviving Ridgeway veterans in their eighties marched in St. Catharines in the
last Decoration Day parade to be held there.[17]
After that they came no more. On
November 9, 1936, the Hamilton Spectator
noted that “the last but one” of the remaining Fenian Raid veterans from the
Thirteenth Battalion, Thomas Kilvington, had died. Allan Land, ninety-two years
old, was the only one left standing of the “boys” from Hamilton.[18]
Globe, May 31, 1890.
Globe, June 3, 1890.
Hamilton Spectator, June 3, 1891.
Globe, June 3, 1891.
Paul Maroney, “‘Lest We Forget’: War and Meaning in English Canada,
1885–1914,” Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Winter 1997/1998);
Globe, May 30, 1896.
Globe, May 30, 1896.
Maroney, “‘Lest We Forget.’”
[retrieved January 2, 2010].
Cathy Pelletier, “Decoration Day in Dunnville,”
The Chronicle, June 8, 2010,
[accessed July 6, 2010].
Katie Dawson, “Honouring Veterans During Decoration Day Ceremony,”
Cambridge Reporter, May 19,
2010, http://www.cambridgereporter.com/news/article/210556 [accessed
July 6, 2010].
Globe, March 11, 1896; April 12, 1897; May 24, 1897; Captain
Macdonald, p. 185; Committee of Citizens Chosen to Represent the City of
Toronto, “To The Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty,” circa 1897 [CIHM NNo.
[retrieved Oct. 10, 2009].
Captain Macdonald, pp. 186–188.
RG 1-99 Fenian land grant records, Archives of Ontario
Globe, July 4, 1896, and January 7, 1899;
Canadian Magazine, November, December 1897, January 1898, July 1899.
Captain Macdonald, p. 5.
Globe, June 2, 1930.
Hamilton Spectator, November 9, 1936.
[retrieved October 10, 1866]. James Wood argues that the militia lobbied in
the 1890s to move Thanksgiving Day to October for the Canadian holiday
in the hopes of enjoying better weather and larger audiences for its
church parade. See James Wood, Militia Myths: Ideas of the Canadian
Citizen Soldier 1896–1921, Vancouver-Toronto: University of British
Columbia Press, 2010. p. 30.
[retrieved January 7, 2010].